
cannot set default printer error

Error 0x00000709 Cannot Set
Default Printer on Windows
Sophie Luo, Last Updated: 2 months ago in printer issue

If you get this message Operation could not be
completed(error 0x00000709). Double click the printer
name and make sure that the printer is connected to the
network when you fail to set your printer as the default
one, you’re not alone.

Many Windows users are reporting this problem as well.
But no worries, it’s possible to fix.

Here is one of the most effective methods for you to try.
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Note: The following screen shots are shown on Windows 7,
but the fixes apply to Windows 10 and Windows 8 as well.

IMPORTANT: Modifying the registry in your computer could
cause irrecoverable error if the modification is done
incorrectly, therefore, it is very important for you to back up
your registry first.

1) Click the Start button, then type regedit and press Enter.

If User Account Control comes up, please chose Yes at the

2) Follow the path


3) Double-click Device. Type in your printer name. (The
screen shot here is an example only.)

Click OK to save the change.

Note: If you encounter this sort of error “Cannot edit
Device: Error writing the value’s new contents“, please
follow the steps below to set the permission of the key.

a) Right-click the Windows key on the left side of the panel
and then click Permissions....

b) Tick the box Allow for Full Control and Read, then
click Apply and click OK to save the change.

4) Right-click UserSelectDefault and click Rename to
rename it as your printer name.

There you go! You should be able to set up your default
printer now!

Activate Any Windows Using batch file

Activate Any Windows Using batch file

Copy paste the commands to note pad  and safe it as batch file the run as administrator

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Windows 7 After Login Black Desktop With Courser Nothing Else

Windows 7 After Login Black Desktop With Courser Nothing Else

Try this 1. 

1) When you switch ON your computer, start tapping the "F8" key to get 

"Windows Advanced Options"( if boot menu appears, press "Esc" key and keep 

tapping the F8 key) 

2) Select "Safe Mode with Networking" 

3) Click on Start --> Run --> Type regedt32 and press Enter. 

[ If you are using Windows Vista or 7 then click on Start --> In search box, type 

regedt32 and press Enter.] 

Registry Editor will be opened. Navigate to the following location 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon 

At the right side, find the strings shell & userinit and check the following 

shell value data should be 

userinit value data should be 

If shell and userinit are having different data values then change it as mentioned 


Just double click shell and userinit and enter the data values as 

shell --> "Value data" should be 

userinit --> "Value data" should be 

Note: there is "," at the end of userinit.exe 

Then download "Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware" from the below link. 

Update it and perform "Full Scan" 

Note : Default selected option is "Quick Scan" 


windows run command

Part 1: How to use Run Commands

Click Win + R keyboard shortcuts to bring up Run dialog. (In Windows 10, you also can press Win + X and then select Run.) Then type one command and click OK or press Enter key so that you can quickly open the app.

Part 2: 20 most-used Run Commands for Windows 10 users

A Run Command is not simply the name of an app/program, Windows designs a great many specialized Run commands. Here we illustrate the twenty most commonly used.
1. control
This is a Run Command to quickly access Windows 10 Control Panel. However, some users are used to open the Control Panel by Start menu or Windows 10 Power user menu.
2. taskmgr
This is a Run Command to open Task Manager as quickly as by right-clicking on the blank area of Windows 10 taskbar.
3. cmd
There are more options to open Command Prompt in Windows 10, this command is just one of shortcuts.
4. netplwiz
The common User Account is in Windows Control Panel, while this command opens the advanced User Accounts window.
5. regedit
A power user may need to open Registry Editor to make changes to Windows registry. With this command, you can quickly access Registry Editor.
6. lusrmgr.msc
Running this command, you can open Local Users and Groups manager where you can edit properties of all your users and groups.
7. appwiz.cpl
This Run Command quickly opens the Programs and Features window where you can uninstall programs and apps in Windows 10.
8. desk.cpl
It's a shortcut allowing you to change your Windows screen resolution.
9. powercfg.cpl
Running this command will directly open the Power Options window which is buried in Control Panel.
10. main.cpl
This command can help you access Mouse Propertiesdialog where you can change settings of the mouse connected to your computer.
11. snippingtool
If you are wondering How to Take Screenshots on Microsoft Surface Tablet, this Run Command is just the shortcut to open Windows built-in Snipping Tool, with which you can not only take a screenshot but also edit the screenshot.
12. logoff
This Run Command is a less known quick way to sign out of Windows 10.
13. msconfig
This command opens System Configuration dialog where you can change some of the system settings in Windows.
14. diskmgmt.msc
This Run Command helps you open Windows 10 Disk Management where you can manage the hard disk partition on your computer.
15. chrome/firefox/iexplore
Running chrome or firefox command can launch Chrome or Firefox browser if it’s installed on your Windows 10, and the iexplore command can open Internet Explorer.
16. calc: Open Windows built-in calculator app for you.
17. compmgmt.msc: Open Computer Management window.
19. cleanmgr: Open Disk Cleanup utility.
20. sysdm.cpl: Opens System Properties window.
The above are 20 most commonly used Run Commands. Believe they can help Windows 10 users quickly open some most-used apps/programs/tasks. Certainly, they will also apply in the earlier Windows versions.

Just Press Windows key + r and let the fun begin
Windows run commands are shortest ways to reach at any particular setting panel or open any useful applications. Although Microsoft has made taskbar search very much efficient in doing that, but you can not find each and everything via taskbar search. Also searching something in search box of taskbar and then clicking on the search result is one step longer as compared to opening it via run. Also, opening something via run box seems geeky and cool. For example very few people know that you can reach control panel directly by typing control in run box or you can directly open on screen keyboard by typing osk in run box. I have listed here all the important run commands in windows 10.

Useful Windows Tools

  1. On screen Keyboard – osk
  2. Calculator – calc
  3. WordPad – write
  4. Windows Media Player – wmplayer
  5. Windows Fax and Scan – wfs
  6. Snipping Tools – snippingtool
  7. Paint – mspaint
  8. Notepad – notepad
  9. Task manager – taskmgr
  10. Sticky Notes – stikynot
  11. Math Input Panel – mip
  12. Command Prompt – cmd
  13. Powershell – powershell
  14. Windows Journal  – journal
  15. Narrator – narrator
  16. Magnifier – magnify
  17. Edge – microsoft-edge://
  18. Internet Explorer – iexplore
  19. Bluetooth – fsquirt
  20. Windows Firewall – firewall.cpl
  21. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security –  wf.msc
  22. Windows Explorer – explorer
  23. XPS Viewer – xpsrchvw

Specific utilities

  1. Create Repair Disc – recdisc
  2. Backup and Restore – sdclt
  3. Remote Assistance – msra
  4. To Open Recently Viewed files – recent
  5. To Connect to a Projector – displayswitch
  6. To add a New Device – devicepairingwizard
  7. Open Ease of Access centre – utilman
  8. User Account Control Settings – useraccountcontrolsettings
  9. Windows Task scheduler – taskschd.msc
  10. System Restore – rstrui
  11. All System information – msinfo32
  12. Network Connections – ncpa.cpl
  13. System Configuration – msconfig
  14. Disk Cleanup – cleanmgr
  15. Disk Defragmenter – dfrgui
  16. Disk Management – diskmgmt.msc
  17. Malicious Software Removal Tool – mrt
  18. Problem Steps Recorder  – psr
  19. Internet Options – inetcpl.cpl
  20. Device Manager – devmgmt.msc
  21. Computer Management – compmgmt.msc
  22. Shared Folders  – fsmgmt.msc
  23. Create a shared folder wizard – shrpubw
  24. Backup and restore user name and passwords – credwiz
  25. Region and Language –  intl.cpl
  26. Registry Editor –  regedit
  27. Local Group Policy Editor – gpedit.msc
  28. Indexing Options – rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL srchadmin.dll
  29. Resource Monitor –  resmon
  30. Sound settings – mmsys.cpl
  31. Troubleshooting – control.exe /name Microsoft.Troubleshooting
  32. User Accounts – control.exe /name Microsoft.UserAccounts
  33. Local Users and Groups – lusrmgr.msc
  34. Advanced User Accounts – netplwiz
  35. Time and Date – timedate.cpl
  36. Screen Resolution –  desk.cpl
  37. Color Management – colorcpl
  38. Event Viewer – eventvwr.msc
  39. Remote Desktop Connection –  mstsc
  40. Services  – services.msc
  41. Certificates – certmgr.msc
  42. Mouse settings – main.cpl
  43. Know current Windows version – winver
  44. Local Security Policy – secpol.msc
  45. Directly go to list of installed programs –  appwiz.cpl
  46. Windows Update settings – control update
  47. Administrative Tools – controladmintools
  48. Scheduled Tasks – control schedtasks

Control Panel Run Commands

  1. Control Panel – control
  2. Personalization & Themes – controldesktop
  3. Personalization & Color – controlcolor
  4. File explorer properties & Folder Options – control folders
  5. Keyboard Properties  – controlkeyboard
  6. Mouse Properties – control mouse
  7. Network Properties – control netconnections
  8. Printers Properties – control printers
  9. Manage current user Account – control userpasswords
  10. Manager all User Accounts – control userpasswords2

Open Folder Commands

  1. Open Documents Folder  – documents
  2. Open Videos folder  – videos
  3. Open Downloads Folder  – downloads
  4. Open Favorites Folder –  favorites
  5. Open Recent Folder  – recent
  6. Open Pictures Folder  – pictures

System Run commands

  1. System Configuration –  msconfig
  2. System Configuration Editor  – sysedit
  3. System Information –  msinfo32
  4. System Properties  – sysdm.cpl
  5. System Properties (Advanced Tab) – systempropertiesadvanced
  6. System Properties (Computer Name Tab)  – systempropertiescomputername
  7. System Properties (Hardware Tab)  – systempropertieshardware
  8. System Properties (Remote Tab)  – systempropertiesremote
  9. System Properties (System Protection Tab)  – systempropertiesprotection
  10. System Restore –  rstrui

All other useful run Command shortcuts

  1. Display Color Calibration – dccw
  2. Display – dpiscaling
  3. Display Switch – displayswitch
  4. Driver Verifier Manager – verifier
  5. File Signature Verification – sigverif
  6. Game Controllers – joy.cpl
  7. Getting Started – gettingstarted
  8. iSCSI Initiator Configuration Tool – iscsicpl
  9. Language Pack Installer – lpksetup
  10. Microsoft Management Console – mmc
  11. Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool – msdt
  12. Performance Monitor – perfmon.msc
  13. Phone and Modem telephon – cpl
  14. Phone Dialer –  dialer
  15. WMI Management  – wmimgmt.msc
  16. Windows Disc Image Burning Tool –  isoburn
  17. Windows DVD Maker –  dvdmaker

How to Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key

If you're trying to install (or reinstall) Window XP on your computer, you may encounter a problem. The product key might not be genuine, the product may no longer be available, or the number of activations may have reached its limit. You may think your only options are to call Microsoft for a new product key or to purchase Windows 7. But there's another option available. Here's a secret to share with you. Keep reading.

1 Click on the "Start" button
2 Find and click the "Run" button
3 Type: "REGEDIT"
4 Click the plus next to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
5 Click the plus next to "SOFTWARE"
6 Click the plus next to "Microsoft"
7 Click the plus next to "Windows NT"
8 Click the plus next to "CurrentVersion"
9 Click "WPAEvents"
10 On the right panel, find "OOBETimer" and double click it.
11 Now, highlight all values, then delete them
12 Then type in the following value: FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD
13 After that, click "OK"
14 Next, on the left panel, right-click "WPAEvents"
15 Then click on "permissions"
16 Click "SYSTEM"
17 Click the box "Deny Full Control"
18 Click "OK"
19 Click "YES" and exit out of Registry Editor. You can do this by clicking on the red X in the upper-right corner of the Title Bar or, while holding down the ALT key, press the F4 key.
20 To verify that it works, Click on "Start" and then "Activate Windows." Or you can click on "Start," then "All Programs," then "Activate Windows"
If these options don't work, type this text in the space provided: %systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe \a
21 Click on "ACTIVATE ON THE PHONE" and then "CHANGE Product Key"
22 Type: THMPV - 77D6F - 94376 - 8HGKG - VRDRQ
23 Click "UPDATE"
25 Restart Windows
26 Once your computer is back up, click "START" and "RUN" and "%system"
27 Click "OK"

Block Cad from connecting to its server

  To block AutoCAD 2020 from connecting to Autodesk's servers, you can use several methods:   Method 1: Block AutoCAD in Windows Fir...